The sun always seems that much brighter in Florida, where developers, business leaders, media types and mobile moguls are converging for a RIM double-bill this week: the BlackBerry 10 Jam and BlackBerry World conferences.

Not that there'll be any time (well, not much) to swan about in the turquoise waters of the hotel pool. Between RIM CEO Thorsten Heins's keynote Tuesday and a full slate of Jam sessions led by Developer Relations VP Alec Saunders's team, attendees will have plenty of good excuses to stay inside.

Needless to say, it's beginning to look a lot like Waterloo Region down here, except for the swaying palms and short sleeves.

For the next few days, I'll be posting stories and tweeting highlights from both conferences, but mostly from BlackBerry 10 Jam. Feel free to follow me at @ajreinhart and look for the hashtags #BB10Jam and #BBWC.

Tune in here to catch a live webcast of the BlackBerry World 2012 general session, including Thorsten Heins's keynote, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 1.