ODX@SpaceAppsKW 2017

Thank you so much for considering using open data in your hack.
If you have any questions about any of the data sources in the links below, please ask them on Slack and @mention or DM @josephby.

First, check out the slides from my workshop. Then have a look at more links, below.

Sources of Inspiration

Data Sources

City Data

Canadian Governments

    • Pathways – City of Calgary - Identifies regional and local pathways that offer connectivity throughout the City.
    • Transit Person Crime and Ridership – Transit ridership and person crimes and incidents that include assault, robbery, and sex crimes (including inappropriate touching)


These links point to sites and services that index and/or provide access to open data sets from multiple providers.

    • namara.io is an API provided by ThinkData Works that includes cleaned, normalized, and up-to-date copies of many government open data sets including.
    • Open Data Inception is a site that aims list every government open data portal in the world. YMMV.
    • Awesome Public Datasets is a GitHub repo that contains a mix of official government open data and open data from other sources.


    • OpenCorporates is a database that includes corporate registration information for every corporation in the world. In theory, this database contains the name, address, directors and beneficial owner for every company that has ever been incorporated, in any jurisdiction.