Research In Motion has issued a worldwide call for BlackBerry app developers to take part in VisionMobile's Developer Economics 2013 survey, an annual pulse-taking of the mobile development community.

The 10-minute survey looks at "developer mindshare, revenues, market challenges, and benchmarks the top developer tools, from ad networks to user analytics," according to VisionMobile's website.

Among the prizes on offer for completing the survey are a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha testing device and a BlackBerry PlayBook LTE/4G 32GB tablet.

RIM, a gold sponsor of this year's survey, is eager to ensure the voices of its global development community are heard, as the company gears up to release its all-new BlackBerry 10 platform in early 2013.

BB10 has been winning positive reviews from developers since it launched a series of sold-out BlackBerry 10 Jam events around the world earlier this year.