Waterloo, ON (Thursday October 4, 2012) - Reebee Inc. is launching a new experience for browsing flyers in Canada. Users can now browse all of their favorite flyers in one location, tracking sales conveniently from an iPhone or iPad device. The application is available for free on both the Apple App Store (app named ‘reebee’) and online at www.reebee.com.

Reebee is the simplest way to browse flyers and save money. The mobile application presents active, relevant, and local flyers based on a user’s location in Canada. Online flyers are displayed on a bookshelf where store brands are easily identified by the flyer’s front page. Simply tap a flyer to open the flyer, swipe left or right to flip through pages and pinch to zoom to enlarge items of interest. Users are able to quickly experience the content and deal savings while avoiding interruptive pop-ups and third party advertising common among existing aggregate solutions. As flyers expire, they are automatically recycled and replaced with new ones.

Traditionally, electronic flyers have been available on retailers’ websites, requiring users to visit the website, locate the flyer, enter a postal code, select a store, click a flyer format, and learn a new website layout at each vendor’s page. Repeating this process for all your favourite stores on a weekly basis proves to be arduous task! Reebee’s solution reduces waste and even features a paper flyer opt-out list on Reebee’s website, reducing the environmental impact of flyer production.

About Reebee Inc.

Reebee is based out of the VeloCity Garage in Kitchener, ON. The co-founders are two University of Waterloo engineers with years of experience as deal-centric student shoppers. Their passionate desire to optimize savings articulated a problem with no era-appropriate solution. Reebee is dedicated to iterative userfeedback as user experience marks the success of this app. The team has received funding from VeloCity Venture Fund, Demo Day, as well as support from the RIC Center’s VentureStart program.

For more information, please contact:

Tobiasz Dankiewicz, Co-Founder

Email: tobiasz@reebee.com
Phone: 519.902.3455
Location: 151 Charles St. West, Suite 100
Kitchener ON N2G 1H6