In 2016, Canada’s Open Data Exchange (ODX) began collecting data as part of the Open Data 150 campaign. The objective was to find out what kinds of Canadian companies use open data, what types of data they use and from what government sources, and how they make money doing it.

Almost there!

Our goal has been to give Canada a great birthday present by getting feedback from 150 companies for Canada’s 150th birthday party on July 1st. We’ve rounded the corner and now have over 100 respondents. The finish line is in sight as we continue to look for support from companies to achieve our goal.

Why do the survey – What’s in it for you?

 We know that companies are using Open Data but we’ve never fully understood how it’s being used. This survey will help us with that understanding and will allow us to benchmark how Canada is doing against other countries on Open Data use. More importantly for you, this survey will allow you to voice your thoughts on Open Data issues and advocate for the release of data that is deemed important.