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On Wednesday, June 14th, Eliane Tozman, Head of Design at IBM, will showcase some of the disruptive innovations IBM is working on from 12:00 - 1:00pm for a Lunch & Learn at the Communitech Data Hub.


Date: Wed, 14 June 2017
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
Location: Communitech Data Hub | 14 Erb Street West, Waterloo, ON (Bring Your Own Lunch)



We're inviting you to learn what disruptive innovation, technology and IBM Design Thinking can do for your company. The talk will be about disruptive innovation which is a combination of new technologies, new ways of seeing the marketplace, and new insights into what customers or consumers need and want. Focusing on market research and validation, Eliane Tozman from IBM has designed a program to help early stage startups and ideators gain a better understanding of their consumers, identify pain points, and recognize potential pivots.

On June 14th, Eliane will showcase some of the disruptive innovations that IBM is working on and will share with the audience how it can play an integral role in and how these innovations and technologies could be used by program attendees.

What is this workshop about?

Disruptive thinking and innovation let you solve client problems faster and effectively. Using key techniques and tools in order to help propel a new business, tool or service. using IBM Design Thinking as a go-to method for building the products and experiences that our own customers and users demand, this session will provide with an overview of this human-centered methodology which allows companies to quickly identify, build, and test their way to success. You spend less time planning, more time doing, and, above all else, challenge people to see the world through the eyes of our customers every step of the way. We will highlight use cases take and take you through how we at IBM innovate and create products and services for our customers and the future.

Please note: This session is in-person only and it's BYOL (Bring your on lunch) style.

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About the speaker

Interior shot of the Communitech Data Hub, a large room with many small tables

Head of Design Innovation, IBM

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