
Welcome to another Friday.  We have a fun edition of this week’s Communitech Grow Factor Links We Love blog. Take a look at the cubicle’s history over the past 50 years, how 3 companies are taking advantage of the wide-open global market, a glimpse into what makes Ebay’s Chief Curator tick, and more. Unwind from the week and prepare for the next with tips and insights for your midsize-to-large business.

This week we love:

Ad Age explores how agencies adapt as work goes from 'tent poles to tadpoles,’ with a spotlight on Grey New York, and their decision to grow despite the recession.

According to a 2013 study, only 2% of Canadian midsize businesses are exporting, which creates unlimited growth opportunities for SMEs and the Canadian economy. Here’s advice from three companies for successful global expansion in the Globe and Mail.

This is a great look inside “The Eclectic Creative Diet Of Ebay's Chief Curator” by Michael Moskowitz, as told to Rebecca Greenfield in Fast Company.

Considering improving your company’s innovation process?  Michael Schrage writes about how innovation ecosystems turn outsiders into collaborators in this Harvard Business review blog.

In 1964 a new “modern” office concept came to New York: the cubicle. We love this Inc.com article looking at how offices have advanced to celebrate the cubicles 50-year history.