
Congratulations, you made it through the week! We know you worked hard and might have missed out on some great tips to keep you motivated and inspired.

Luckily, we compiled a list of links for you to catch up on during your weekend readings in our Grow Factor blog, to help take your mid-size business to the next level and build your success.

This week we love:

As the Games in Sochi wrap-up, Midsize Insider considers learning an Olympic lesson: don’t mess up with influencer when you’re in the spotlight.

Ever wonder how to use analytics and data to solve your real-world business problems? IBM showcases two examples of data helping SMB’s in Midsize Insider.

Chet Kapoor, CEO at Apigee, explains the growing power of digital ecosystems, and how to use the technological landscape to your advantage in business.

Study: Companies That Care About Good Design Perform Better | Inc.com http://www.inc.com/issie-lapowsky/study-good-design-matters-business-performance.html

BBC’s Idea Exchange explores how businesses are publically founding themselves on ethics and values, not just making money.

From left to right: Olympic logo: Midsize Insider: Olympic Lesson: Don’t Mess Up With Influencers When You’re in the Spotlight; Fashionable fellow from Midsize insider: Two Examples of Data Helping SMB’s; Youtube video still from When the values drive the business; Colour swatches from Why You Should Care More About Design; Globe from The Growing Power of Digital Ecosystems.