During his visit to the Communitech Hub on Thursday, Member of Parliament  Jasraj Singh Hallan drew attention to the need to develop and support the next generation of leaders in the tech sector to drive innovation and improve Canada’s economic future.


“We know that productivity is down in Canada and for us to be able to address these productivity issues in Canada is important,” said Hallan. “The tech sector is a huge pillar for us to be able to get our productivity up.”

Several factors have influenced productivity in Canada over the past few years and productivity across the country has decreased for 11 out of the past 12 quarters. New technology is driving efficiency across various industries, but an aging population and gaps between available skills and job requirements are impacting labour productivity. Changes in global trade patterns and market conditions are also influencing the competitiveness of Canadian industries. 

Hallan represents the riding of Calgary Forest Lawn and is finance critic for the Conservative Party, as well as Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance. Earlier this summer, Hallan also met with the team at tech hub Platform Calgary to discuss that city’s growing number of tech startups and the innovation they’re bringing to the national economy.


“Tech leaders are very important for Canada’s growth, and that’s something we see here at Communitech and also places like Platform Calgary,” said Hallan. “All of you are doing the good work that is cultivating future entrepreneurs, which Canada desperately needs.”

Hallan’s tour of the Communitech Hub included a conversation with the team at Cobionix as they showcased one of the company’s autonomous robot assistants for health-care providers. The robot can carry out repetitive tasks to enable health-care professionals to focus on patient care. Founded in 2021, Cobionix currently has six machines deployed with two more in the works. The medtech company is working toward making its robot assistant fully autonomous to carry out ultrasound scans.

After the tour, Hallan participated in a roundtable with local tech founders to discuss the importance of access to capital, capital gains, the US Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) and the challenges founders navigate as they start and grow their companies.