Want to get in front of the top investors in Silicon Valley? Here's your chance.

Communitech and Google for Entrepreneurs are currently accepting applications from Canadian startups to land a coveted spot at an invite-only Google for Entrepreneurs Demo Day.

Interested Startups should meet the following criteria:

    • Have a live product that is getting customer traction.
    • Actively be seeking investment, or strongly considering it in the near future.
    • Be willing to travel to California for two days to succinctly pitch their company to investors, Google product experts and others in the Silicon Valley technology community.
    • May come from any industry, but should be growth (not lifestyle) businesses, and understand that most Demo Day investors and product experts will have technology backgrounds.
    • May be at any stage of fundraising.

Do you have what it takes? Apply for Demo Day in Silicon Valley (April 1 -2 , 2014).

Applications must be submitted by February 21, 2014.


About Google for Entrepreneurs

Communitech is the only Canadian network member of Google for Entrepreneurs, a partnership aimed at strengthening local communities of entrepreneurs. We provide you with access to Google resources to equip you with the skills needed to build your company.