On Tuesday, August 30, come see three growing tech companies in Waterloo Region share how sales works in the tech industry, what we think is important and how it's possible to make the jump. Grab a free beer at Maxwell's and join us. You'll also hear lightning talks from sales leaders from each company, including Daniel Jantzi, head of AdOps | Sortable; Alex Hoff, VP Sales | Auvik and Lauren Hasegawa, Co-founder | Bridgit.

If you’re a new graduate hungry to enter the industry, or an established sales pro sizing up tech opportunities, this event is for you. Talk to our top people and ask any questions you have about what they think of the tech sales scene, and what it takes to be successful here.

No Bullshit Sales & Beer Talk
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 | 6-8pm
Maxwells, 35 University Ave., E., Unit 2
Use the promo code: GOATS