"UWES is hosting an App Building Workshop next Wednesday, March 26th from 6-9pm. The guest speaker, Susan Ibach, is a technical evangelist at Microsoft who loves to talk about the latest developer trends. She will be answering the following questions:

    • How does an app get into the store?

    • How do you market an app?

    • What data analytics can you access after publication to  measure your app

University of Waterloo, Room QNC 2502

What to Bring: A laptop of some sort. All you need is a browser. But, if you are running windows and install Visual Studio 2012  you will be able to test your app before you publish it. Windows Phone App Studio does provide previews of each screen, but with Visual Studio you can test the navigation as well. For more details please see the links below:

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1431932577049645/
Tickets: https://msevents.microsoft.com/cui/eventdetail.aspx?eventid=1032581397&culture=en-CA"