Are you a woman or non-binary founder trying to start a company?

Great news; things just got a little easier. 


How we help

Fierce Founders Bootcamp helps women and non-binary founders build the next Canadian unicorns. The bootcamp is a six-week program that supports the growth of early-stage companies by helping founders think bigger about their markets and validate their ideas. You're not alone, Communitech is here to help connect you to a peer network of other Fierce Founders as well as guidance from advisors who have been there. 

Participating in the Fierce Founders Bootcamp means:

  • Thinking bigger about your markets and validate your idea.
  • Connecting to a peer network of other Fierce Founders.
  • Receiving guidance from seasoned advisors. 

Applications are currently closed.

The Fierce Founders Bootcamp will teach you to: 

  • Develop your business model.
  • Explore your customer journey and validation concepts.
  • Understand your market.
  • Evaluate your competition.
  • Understand your business opportunity.

You’ll also get a chance to:

  • Network with advisors, service providers and other awesome companies in our community of tech.
  • Grow your support system with like-minded woman and non-binary entrepreneurs from the fastest-growing tech ecosystem in Canada.
  • Attend exclusive workshops on topics like problem statements and validation, market and competition analysis, ideal customer profiles, funding and more. 
  • Get personalized, hands-on advice and mentorship from experienced coaches.

Want to know if the bootcamp right for you? 

  • Do you run on creativity and ingenuity?
  • Are you validating your idea and working on building out your MVP? 
  • Are you a leader with an open mind and interested in new ideas and feedback?
  • Can you attend weekly workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions over a six-week period? The time commitment is roughly five hours a week (workshops, mentoring hours and time for you to work on what you learned)
  • Is your business located in Canada?
  • Does your startup have at least one woman or non-binary founder?
  • Are you ready to hustle and do the work?

Applications are now closed.

Thank you to our partners