Advancing innovative solutions to improve Canadian cities and roadways. 

Communitech Fast Track Cities is linking municipalities and industry with founders to investigate solutions that influence Canadian urban areas and transportation networks.


Fast Track Cities: Transportation is all about mapping out the next steps to building the future for Canadian cities, specifically the movement of people and goods.

In a vehicle dominated transportation world, the movement of people and goods presents daily challenges impacting our cities, highways, and the ability to meet the needs of our communities. Traffic congestion, lack of micro mobility solutions, and disruptions to the supply chain result in social, economic, and environmental impacts that require innovative solutions to improve safety and efficiency. 

Check out how Fast Track Cities helped AWOS

Interested in contributing to finding solutions to some of our cities challenges impacting accessibility, safety, sustainability and economic growth?

Become a municipal partner for Fast Track Cities: Transportation. You’ll have access to innovative solutions and invaluable networking with peers and problem solvers in the transportation sector. 

Are you ready to join the collaborative?

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The program focuses on the challenges identified by municipal and transportation sector partners, in an effort to surface solutions with the end goal of commercialization through piloting and procurement opportunities.

  • Working with both tech leaders and industry partners, we explore the landscape to shape the focus of the collaborative.
  • Together, we define the most relevant and pressing challenges faced by the transportation industry.
  • We issue a call for solutions to the tech community and select qualifying Canadian companies to address the challenges identified.
  • Companies selected to pitch will be awarded a free Communitech membership* (for those not currently members) offering access to valuable feedback and connections with partners, coaches and advisors, all facilitated by the Communitech team.
  • Companies selected to participate in the program will present their solutions at a hybrid showcase event designed to gain exposure and make connections with the invaluable community and industry leaders in attendance
  • We facilitate introductions between founders and partners and provide support in navigating next steps, with the end goal of commercialization of made-in-Canada solutions through piloting and procurement.

*Free memberships will be offered until next renewal date following selection.

Fast Track programs are open to any Canadian tech company with a solution to the proposed challenges. 

No. Those selected to pitch will be awarded a free Communitech membership until the next annual renewal date to ensure all selected companies have access to valuable feedback, growth coaching, and connections with partners and advisors before the showcase pitch event. 

Challenge cycles from problem statement development to showcase pitch events are approximately 4 months long. Each challenge cycle will have a specific focus area (i.e., movement of goods). The process for companies successfully pursuing pilots with partners will vary in length of time depending on preparedness and needs of industry/municipal partners.

Yes. We strongly encourage you to re-apply should you not be selected for the first cycle.

Challenge statements will be different for each cycle

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Communitech’s Future of X collaboratives connect you to partners ready to validate ideas and explore solutions.

We’re looking for homegrown tech solutions to tackle Canada’s top health-care challenges. Think you can help? Applications open September 19, 2022.

Thanks to our partners

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